
Mother's Day Weekend at the Gunks

Over the weekend of May 12th and 13th I went on a climbing trip with my co-worker Paul and some of his crew, Lauren, Mick, Travis and Kate.  Paul is very familiar with the Gunks in New Paltz, NY as he has been there many times with Lauren.  The cliffs are only about 2 hours […]


Judge's Cave at West Rock State Park

Being that the days are longer and warmer Paul mentioned he was planning to do some bouldering after work on Thursday.  I thought this was a great idea so I picked him up at the main plant, strapped his bike to my car and we headed over to West Rock.  Unfortunately the road system is […]


Pinnacle Rocks Climbing

As I mentioned in my AT, Rt. 341 to St. John’s Ledges write up, the weekend of the 21st and 22nd were amazing weather, especially since it came on the heels of a week of rain and low temps.  Mike D and I planned some climbing before buckling down and doing some fluids homework late […]


The AT, Rt. 341 to St. John's Ledges

After a late season Nor’Easter that dumped up to 8 inches of rain in parts of New England and New York over five days it was high time for the sun to come out and be nice.  The weekend of the 21st and 22nd just happened to be those days.  After mid-thirties temperatures during the […]


Cat's Hole Climbing

Spring looks like it is upon us.  A forecast of mid-forties for the next week at least kind of lends credence to my claim at least.  Of course there is always the chance of the late season snow storm (remember mid -May 2002?).    So since the nice weather has started to descend my buddies […]

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