October 14th Paul, Lauren, Mike D and myself finally were able to coordinate a beginner climbing day. After being regaled by climbing stories from us some of our friends followed us outside on a gorgeous autumn day to Ragged Mtn. A good time was had by all. No fatalities! Seriously, I think everyone really challenged […]
AT – Salisbury, CT to Sheffield, MA
On October 6-7th a few of my friends from Sikorsky and I went for a little backpacking weekend. Steve Cappelle, Tim Demers, Ben Hein and myself set off early Saturday morning up to Salisbury, CT. We dropped off one of the cars at the parking area in Sheffield, MA right on Rt. 41 then […]
Repucci Climbing Trip
One of my co-workers, Aaron, has been bugging me all summer to bring him and his new bride out for some climbing. I thought I took some major initiative and organized a Beginner Outing for people I work with. Well turns out Aaron couldn’t make it on that day. So I decided to bring […]
Paul, Lauren and I took a couple trips to Ragged at the end of August and the beginning of September. The two trips turned out to be some of the harder stuff I’ve done in a while. I did better than I thought since most of the stuff we climbed was in the 5.9+ and […]
Gordon and Lindsey's Wedding
Gordon and Lindsey Married August 11, 2007 Since these pictures don’t need to be public I’ve set a user name and password for access to the albums. To get these you can contact me. I’ll email you back as soon as I can with this info. If you like you can pass the […]