Here’s my new rack! Hey! Get your mind out of the gutter. Well I’ve got all but a three or four pieces. This was a run at Wet Wall (5.6) at Ragged. Mtn. Overall it was a good lead. I was a little sketched out in a couple spots but overall not bad. I think […]
Appalachian Trail – Cornwall, CT to Rt. 112
Dave, Phyli, Lauren, Eric and I took a little trip up to northwestern CT for another hiking trip on the Appalachian Trail. Since it was the first trip of the season I decided to plan something that was on the easier side, or so I thought. I planed a nice little 13.2 mile hike with […]
Ice Racing
Wow, I realized when I made a post for an AT hike that I hadn’t gone back and done a write-up for the ice race. I’ve been so busy with work and with my last Masters class that I didn’t have time. I’m a little more free now so here goes. The Sunday race in […]
Snowshoeing VT's Appalachian Trail
Wow am I late in getting this post out. Back in January I went up to Vermont for a weekend of winter fun. Adrial organized a trip last year and he set another one up for 2009. The house he found was a steal! It slept at least 20 people, had a pool table, […]
More Snowshoeing!
We got another few inches of snow here in Southern CT, about 3 inches to be exact. This winter is turning out to be much better than the last few. Who knows maybe there will even be a little ice racing this year! Anyways, Dave’s girlfriend, Phyli (hopefully I’m spelling that right), really wanted to […]