
Website Updates Coming Soon

With the vacation time I have coming up I plan to be spending some time working on the website.  I haven’t really done anything to it other than post in 2-3 years.  I’ve had complaints about the color scheme so that’ll be one of the big things I’m going to look into.  I’ll also be […]


Pegasus Lead

One of my two objectives for the 2009 climbing season was leading Pegasus (5.8) at Cathole.  This is a classic Connecticut climb.  IT is about 70 feet of a right facing corner/crack system.  The climb is fun, mixing crack skills with plenty of laybacks and face holds.  About two thirds of the way up is […]


Apple Picking in October

Chrystal and I went apple picking.  Pretty self explanatory.   Pictures  


Whitehorse Slabs Climbing

On September 26th I set out with the CT AMC for another climbing trip.  The Gunks trip earlier in the summer was great and I figured this would be a good way introduce myself to climbing in the Whites.  I left work to head up to NH on Friday.  After getting to the camping area […]


Greenwich Polo

  Chrystal, her Mom, Mike D, his roommate Shawn, and I took another trip to the Greenwich Polo grounds this year.  The event was just as fun as last year.  This year the polo was a little less exciting but the announcer made up for it.  I’m feeling pretty lazy after posting all my stuff […]

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