
Work Trip to Anaheim

September 28 thru October 1, 2015 At the end of September I took a work trip to Anaheim for a seminar on composites.  It was good, but short.  Hard to believe this is what everyday life is like for some people. [Show as slideshow]


Spring Gracie

April and May 2015 This is going to be a some what atypical post, but I guess when posts are infrequent the typicalness of them tends to go down anyway.  I decided to take the big camera out a bit and take a few pictures of the fur factory that occupies the house.  As you’ll […]


Utah Weather Update

April 14-16, 2015 The afternoon of April 14 we had a cold front move through the state and generate some pretty crazy weather.  Dust from the many large dry lake beds was whipped up in the winds which gusted to 90 mph in some of the canyons.  Because of the crappy air quality in the […]


San Rafael Swell Late Spring Trip 2015

  April 11-12, 2015 Carly and I have been super busy and haven’t been able to get away for a weekend of climbing in quite a long time.  We thought about it and we haven’t camped since early November at least–very disappointing.  Well finally we were able to get away over the weekend and went […]


Dave and Phyli’s Wedding

November 23, 2014 At long last two of my good friends decided to tie the knot.  I went out to Denver and got to see them as well as be honored to be in the wedding party.  To top it all off I got to see a bunch of friends from Connecticut for 3-4 days […]