
2025-02-08 Beartrap Fork

Quick post on the skiing. This winter has been up and down with the snow, and in some cases very warm temps even in the mountains. After a bit of a dry spell we got some more snow the first week of Feb. The first weekend in Feb. we spent up at Big Sky in […]


2025-01-12 Mill D Skiing

Given the lack of posts at the end of 2024, I’ll try sharing a bit more. This winter has been off to a slow start. Prior to today I’d gotten only a couple laps up Porter Fork Rd., which barely qualifies. To day I got out. Snow was quite good! The Xmas-NY’s storms really filled […]


2024-03-31 Old Blue Mtn Ski Resort

Easter Sunday we saw the weather would be very windy in the La Sals. I’m not sure of much short approach and protected skiing there so we decided to drive south to Monticello and ski in the Abajos. Since we only had the morning to ski and the conditions were forecast also be windy we […]


2024-02-23 thru 24 UT Ski Trip

Got to have a couple fun days of resort skiing with some of the old Connecticut crew at the end of Feb. Devon, Theresa, Dave, and Jon all came out. The weather was fortunate and gave a storm a few days before they arrived and then cleared up for some bluebird days at PCMR/Canyons. Carly […]


2024-02-10 Mt Aire

Headed out for another fun day of skiing. I’m not sure we picked the best lines are the best times, but great turns were had and as always the company was awesome.