
2012-02-25 thru 26 – Adirondacks

Winter is finally starting to come around now that it is the end of February?  Jeeze would have been nice a couple months back.  My usual partners were either busy with school or chicken about the weather potentially being rainy for the weekend so I had to resort to someone else to get a climbing […]


2012-02-18 thru 19 – Crawford Notch Ice

The terrible winter of 2011-2012 toils on.  Terrible you say?  How can you complain about mid forties and no snow pack even well into New Hampshire?  Well if you’re an ice climber or skier then it shouldn’t be hard to figure out why this winter stinks.  Despite the failings of Mother Nature, or climate change, […]


2012-01-22 Frankenstein

Headed up to Crawford Notch the weekend of Jan. 21-22.  Chris, a new friend from Harvard Cabin, Brian, and me packed into the Subaru and went northward to take advantage of the finally winter conditions in the North Country.  Saturday we did Shoestring Gully (WI2) on Mt. Webster.  The approach was a bit tedious because […]


2012-01-07 thru 08 Chapel Pond

Thwarted by the weather on my three day trip to Harvard Cabin over the Christmas Break, I was hoping to get out as soon as possible to get some real ice climbing in.  The middle of last week had me checking the weather and conditions on for the Adirondacks.  Everything looked good so Chris […]


2012-01-02 Ten Best of 2011

Two of the photographer blogs I read regularly, Alexandre Buisse and Cody Duncan, both recently made posts containing their favorite pictures of 2011.  While I am neither as talented nor as well followed as either of these two photographers I thought it would be fun to post my favorites from this year along with a […]