
East Peak Climbing Gallery

With the amazingly and freakishly warm weather we’ve been having I went climbing along with Mike D, Jesse, Irene and John. None of us had been to this place before and it certainly showed. After walking in on the trail we decided it would be quicker to cut through the woods to the base of […]


Gallery Information

The gallery contains just about all my photography since I started digitizing it.  Well not all of it, but much of the stuff that I deemed worthy of posting.  If you looked at my work chronologically you'll see that I've gone for a quality versus quantity approach.  Older stuff has more pictures but generally not […]


Welcome to the new!

If you've been to in the past I'm sure you've noticed that there have been some major changes.  Back at the beginning of my senior year of college I registered this domain name and constructed the site which you're used to.  That was back in 2001. Many things have changed since then, I've obviously […]