Me basking in the sun near Mt. Madison with Mt. Washington in the distance Sikorsky decided to give us some furlough days again this year as a cost savings measure. While it isn’t great getting a pay cut it isn’t really noticeable since they take it out of our paychecks through the whole year. This […]
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2012-06-23 thru 24 Gunks
A cover shot not by me! This is too good a shot to pass up though. Me on CCK (5.7+). A few weeks back I finally got Carly to agree to head up to the Gunks with me. We’ve done plenty of trad cragging at places in Connecticut and she’s done well cleaning gear so […]
2012-06-16 thru 17 Rumney
I’m too busy to write a full post about my trip to Rumney with Jesse and Adrien, so here’s a few highlights. Camp at D’Acres. Sent Social Outcast (5.12a) first try! Awesome stream of beta from Jesse got me through. Sent Orangahang (5.12a) second try. Super pumpy! Jesse still working on 5.13 projects… Flesh for […]
2012-05-24 thru 28 Acadia National Park
Memorial day weekend I traveled north to the region’s only National Park, Acadia with Carly, Eric, and Ben. The adventure started for me on Tuesday night before the weekend. My sister was coming back home to visit with my parents and she was bringing Jeff, her boyfriend. The family was heading to Maine to stay […]
2012-05-12 thru 13 Rumney
The weather over the last couple weeks has been pretty rainy and damp. I won’t complain too much since April was almost without any precipitation; the water tables sure can use the precip. My backyard is sprouting up with all the grass seed I tossed down weeks ago. Turns out grass seed won’t sprout an […]