Nature & Hiking

2020 Wyoming Road Trip

June 27 thru July 5, 2020 Carly and I had started planning a big road trip to the Pacific Northwest this summer. Obviously, circumstances in the world, not to mention specifically in the US prevented from considering that trip to be prudent to take this year. My new job started at the beginning of July […]

Nature & Hiking Photography

2020-05-30 Beat the Heat in the Uintas

May 30-31, 2020 The weather in the Salt Lake Valley is starting it inexorable crawl up the thermometer. Saturday saw the highest average temp ([max+min]/2) in May thus far recorded. We decided to beat the heat and get a quick trip to the Unitas where the temperatures were in the mid 70’s. We left Saturday […]

Climbing Nature & Hiking

2020-05 Memorial Day Weekend at Notch Peak

May 23 thru 25, 2020 We ventured out for the holiday weekend. Opting to stay relatively close, we went to the west desert of Utah again. Fortunately, a front was planned to pass through Utah on Friday afternoon and evening and make temperatures very pleasant in the desert for this time of year. Leaving Friday […]

Climbing Nature & Hiking

2019-08-24 thru 26 Priest Lake

August 24 thru 26, 2019 As a short vacation Carly and I visited northern Idaho again like we did over Memorial Day.  We stayed with our friend Rolf at his lake cabin on Priest Lake.  We were able to get a climbing day in at a very cool feature call Chimney Rock not far from […]

Nature & Hiking

2019 July 4th

July 4-7, 2019 As a break from the new van build we decided to take the July 4th holiday and make it into a 4 day weekend.  Since I’m taking a bit of a rest from climbing because of some elbow tendinitis, we decided we could do some backpacking in the Winds as an alternative […]