
2018-08-09 thru 12 Cirque of the Towers

August 9-12, 2018 As we have done in the past, Carly and I put various climbing destinations in the calendar through the summer to help motivate us to go to different locations.  While we haven’t been 100% successful in going to all the places we entered, we’ve gotten some good trips this summer so far.  […]


2018-05-26 thru 28 Pine Creek Canyon

May 26-28, 2018 Memorial Day weekend Matt, Giovanni, Carly, and I went out to the Sierra in California for some climbing.  While we were hoping to have better weather and get in a little climbing at altitude we did not.  It was a good time, though a long drive.  Even though the drive is long, […]


2017-12-26 thru 30 Cody

December 26-30, 2017 I closed out the year with some climbing in Cody, WY.  I had the week between Christmas and New Year’s and was able to join my friend Doug and new friend Chris for some stellar climbing in Cody.  While the town’s temperatures were frigid most days, the climbing areas had a bit […]


2017 Bozeman Icefest

December 5-10, 2017 After a skipped year in 2016 I was back this year to the Bozeman Icefest.  This time around I had a couple crusher colleagues from France in town to show us out to climb.  In addition we had the whole Blue Ice North America crew junking it up.  Luckily there wasn’t in […]


2017-11-23–24 Thanksgiving_w-Aude

November 23-24, 2017 This year’s Thanksgiving avoided the crowds in Red Rocks and in Indian Creek and saw us in St. George, UT doing some limestone bolt clipping.  Weather was gorgeous and in the mid-70’s in the sun and perfect comfortable temps in the shade, which is where we climbed.  We avoided the crowds, had […]