Nature & Hiking

2023 Autumn

Its been a great autumn here in Utah. We haven’t traveled too widely, but between Logan and Salt Lake the foliage has been really great. I thought last year was one of the best for colors that I’ve seen in Utah, but this year is on par with that. Various locations for these.


2023-09-24 Hardware Wall

Sunday Carly and I met the Stecks at Hardware wall for another late summer day on limestone. Carly and I worked on Gray Matter (5.12b) last time we were there. The Steck’s each had their projects too. The morning was on the chilly side despite the clear skies. We all waited in the sun near […]


2023-09-09 and 10 Blacksmith Fork

Given all the driving we did the previous weekend we opted for a closer weekend of climbing. We headed to Blacksmith Fork with the Steck’s to Hardware Wall. We’d kind of been scared away from this zone due to the stiff grades, the warms limited to 5.11a and 5.11c, but we’ve both been climbing really […]


2023-09-01 thru 4 Ten Sleep

Carly and I made the Labor Day long weekend extra long and took Friday off as well. Weather in much of Utah was looking questionable so we used the extra day off to make the trek out to Ten Sleep, WY. We were there just about a year ago after our wedding. We did some […]

Climbing Motorcycling

2023-08-26 and 27 Transcontinental RR and City of Rocks

Carly was off doing her own thing so I decided to do a moto/climb weekend. Andreas and Kasi were headed to the City of Rocks so I decided to meet them up there, but go on a circuitous route to get there. There’s a route I’ve wanted to do that goes west to Wendover and […]