Nature & Hiking

2024-04-24 & 25 Joshua Tree

Leaving San Diego I headed east to Joshua Tree. I’d climbed in J-Tree many years ago, in 2011 to be exact. This time I wouldn’t get as much climbing in, but being solo and only there two days, that is to be expected. My objectives were to do some of the OHV roads in the […]


2024-04-19 & 20 Ocotillo Wells Motorcycling

The next leg of the trip, which was the catalyst for the trip in the first place, was to meet some former fellow motorcycling coworkers at an off-highway vehicle recreation area between San Diego and the Salton Sea. Leaving Las Vegas in the afternoon I headed across some of the more desolate sections of the […]


2024-04-17 Red Rocks with Case and Nicole

I have a bit of time ahead of me since I left Overair so I decided to plan a road trip. First stop would be in Red Rocks for a couple nights. As my most fortunate luck would have it Case and Nicole happened also to be doing a quick trip through Red Rocks—it pays […]


2024-03-31 Old Blue Mtn Ski Resort

Easter Sunday we saw the weather would be very windy in the La Sals. I’m not sure of much short approach and protected skiing there so we decided to drive south to Monticello and ski in the Abajos. Since we only had the morning to ski and the conditions were forecast also be windy we […]

Climbing Nature & Hiking Trail Running

2024-03-29 and 30 Owl Rock and Trail Running

For Easter weekend Carly and I needed to get out of town for some nights away. The weather in Salt Lake has been rainy for the last few weekends. Despite not a stellar forecast for Moab we headed there for a little climbing, trail running, and skiing.