
2018-06-24 thru 25 Moto w-Andreas

June 24-25, 2018 Andreas and I went out for a weekend ride a couple weeks back.  This was actually the first time I’ve gone overnight with the motorcycle so it was nice.  We took a pretty circuitous route around the eastern side of the state.  The variation in Utah’s scenery was the highlight.  Barren deserts, […]


2018-05-26 thru 28 Pine Creek Canyon

May 26-28, 2018 Memorial Day weekend Matt, Giovanni, Carly, and I went out to the Sierra in California for some climbing.  While we were hoping to have better weather and get in a little climbing at altitude we did not.  It was a good time, though a long drive.  Even though the drive is long, […]


2018-05-04 Mount Shasta

May 4, 2018 With the demise of my spring alpine climbing objective, Carly introduced the idea of skiing Mount Shasta.  It is a relatively moderate climb and ski, but entails about 7300′ of ascent.  This was a good swap since the total time involved is minimal.  It is an 11 hour drive away and the […]


2018-01-27 thru 02-03 Snowfall Lodge Ski Trip

  January 27 thru February 3, 2018 Carly and I took a ski trip to British Columbia at the end of January.  This trip was organized by one of Carly’s MBA friends.  Dave usually plans a big trip up to BC every year and this year we were able to join in.  We drove up […]


2017-12-26 thru 30 Cody

December 26-30, 2017 I closed out the year with some climbing in Cody, WY.  I had the week between Christmas and New Year’s and was able to join my friend Doug and new friend Chris for some stellar climbing in Cody.  While the town’s temperatures were frigid most days, the climbing areas had a bit […]