
Bozeman Icefest 2019

December 11-15, 2019 Yet again the Bozeman Icefest and Hyalite delivers. Unlike the last couple of years I was part of a much smaller team at the fest. This allowed more climbing and better rest (at least excluding Saturday night) after working the Blue Ice table. Nate and I were on our own for the […]


2019-09-02 Wild Iris

Aug 30 thru Sept. 2, 2019 A Labor Day weekend trip over to Wild Iris with some good friends.  It was a good time despite that I did not climb more than a couple pitches because of my elbow.  Carly was climbing really well and worked on some 11’s.  It’s really great to see her […]

Climbing Nature & Hiking

2019-08-24 thru 26 Priest Lake

August 24 thru 26, 2019 As a short vacation Carly and I visited northern Idaho again like we did over Memorial Day.  We stayed with our friend Rolf at his lake cabin on Priest Lake.  We were able to get a climbing day in at a very cool feature call Chimney Rock not far from […]

Nature & Hiking

2019 July 4th

July 4-7, 2019 As a break from the new van build we decided to take the July 4th holiday and make it into a 4 day weekend.  Since I’m taking a bit of a rest from climbing because of some elbow tendinitis, we decided we could do some backpacking in the Winds as an alternative […]


2019-04-19 and 20 Ibex Climbing

April 19-20, 2019 Carly and I took off Friday morning for a long weekend to explore a new area for us, the West Desert of Utah.  The area is huge and doesn’t have many people in it.  The area is part of the Basin and Range topology that spans both sides of the border with […]