
2020-02 New England Climbing Trip

February 19-21, 2020 During our winter trip planning we decided to put off a New England trip until Carly’s birthday so that we could celebrate with family and also get the extra vacation day of President’s day. Coincidentally, February just happens to be in the thick of ice climbing season just about anywhere and so […]


2020-02-08 Angel of Fear

February 8, 2020 Friday evening I got a call that Angel of Fear was in. This is one of the rarer forming climbs in Utah and is the jewel of the “Holy Trinity” in Santaquin. I’ve never seen it even close to forming before. The previous time I’d seen it sort of form it had […]


2020-02 Bouldering and Ice Climbing

February 1-2, 2020 I crammed just about the farthest ends of the climbing spectrum into one weekend, and they were only about 50 miles apart on the map. I’ll say almost, because I’d say alpine climbing is at one end and bouldering is the other. I only went ice climbing, which is close to alpine […]


2020-01-31 Argenta Partial Lap

January 31, 2020 Got out this morning for a quick lap on Argenta with Charlie. Snow was pretty good overall, a bit dense in spots from wind and a little sun effected on west aspects nearer the bottom, but fun nonetheless. This was my first time skiing Argenta and it is a quick objective from […]


2020-01-16 thru 20 Ouray

January 16-20, 2020 Carly and I headed to Ouray for a extra long weekend of ice climbing and skiing. Typically we go a little later in the winter, around President’s Day. However this year we’ve got other plans during that time so we shifted it. Our friends Micah and Hilary were also free around this […]