
2020-03 COVID-19 Part 1

No need in pointing out the obvious changes in March for the US and the rest of the world. Carly started required work-from-home (WFH) around March 8, 2020. As of the end of 2019 I am no longer at Blue Ice and not at a new full-time job. I have some contract work right now, […]


2020-03-07 Santaquin Climbing

March 7, 2020 Carly, Nate, and I squeaked out one last day of Utah ice climbing on Saturday. Temps were predicted to be warm, but Backoff (WI4+) is not a free standing pillar like the last couple days I’ve been out (1, 2). With the temperatures as warm as they’ve been I thought we might […]


2020-02-29 Second Amendment

February 29, 2020 Saturday Matt and I squeaked out one more day of February ice climbing than normal. Both due to the fact that somehow Utah has had a good ice season this year despite not being a “good” year and that it was leap day. Word amongst the Utah ice climbers in the know […]


2020-02-28 Angel of Fear 2

February 28, 2020 Nate tipped me off to Angle of Fear being ‘in’ a little more than three weeks ago. Amazingingly it was in and I was able to hold the rope and get dragged up it. Nate is one of the most stoked ice climbers I know. He’s been dreaming of AoF for nearly […]


2020-02 Cats and a Dog

Not much description required here. Pictures of Gracie, Carly’s mom’s cats and her dog.