
2022-10-16 Provo Canyon to Strawberry Reservoir

Another foliage ride while the leaves are still at their peak. This one was up from Provo Canyon and then onto some forest roads until Hobble Creek Rd for a few miles of pavement. From there we headed back into the woods and high mountain plateaus until finding our way down to Strawberry Reservoir to […]


2022-10-09 Pony Express and Silver Island Loop

October 9, 2022 With Carly out of town I got a weekend, a long one at that, to myself. Branden suggested riding most of the Pony Express through Utah. I’d had this one on my future rides list so it was pretty easy to make it happen. We had a little extra logistics for fuel […]


2022-10-06 Foliage Ride

Thursday afternoon I got out with Branden for a ride through some of the local hot spots for foliage and twisty roads. Being a weekday we figured there would be less traffic, which no doubt there was, but there was still some on the Alpine Loop by Sundance. As the images and video suggest I […]

Climbing Nature & Hiking

2022-09-21 thru 25 Tensleep

After the big events in middle-late September we got all the family and friends out of town and finally had a little time to relax for the first time in many weeks. We opted for a late season trip to Tensleep. This turned out to be a great decision as the weather was mostly cooperative […]

Nature & Hiking

2022-08-19 Enchantments Traverse

August 19, 2022 After a rest and travel day from four days in North Cascades National Park we staged ourself for our other objective of the vacation, trail running the Enchantments. Since the spring we’d been training for another trail run race at Brighton. As the spring and summer progressed the race became only an […]