February 23 & 26, 2017
For almost two weeks in mid-February I was a bit worried that our stellar skiing winter had come to an end. Luckily the warm weather seeing temperatures up to the high 50’s and 60’s in the valley, and rain up to 9,000′ came to an end last Tuesday/Wednesday. Winter returned and returned with a vengeance. A storm dropped between 3-4′ of blower powder Wednesday thru Friday. I was able to get out Thursday and ski the deepest powder I’d ever experienced. Because of the amount of light snow it was tough at times to keep the tips up and it was an exhausting day, but it was so good we did a triple lap at Short Swing. I wished I had something wider than 105mm skis. We were in the white room much of the day with the blower pow. 🙂
While Carly and I headed out yesterday, Saturday, and the conditions were quite good, both of us were feeling off and on top of that it was cold so we only did a single lap at USA Bowl. Today the weather broke and the sun came out making for a stellar bluebird day for some powder skiing. We headed to Silver Fork, a zone we haven’t been to before. The views were gorgeous and the snow was great. The amount and lightness of the snow from late in the week has settled quite a bit and the powder was much more bouncy.