May 24-26, 2014
This is the first in getting through a backlog of pictures and posts. I can’t say when the next will come, could be tonight, could be in a month. Things are quite busy here in SLC and much of it doesn’t involve being outside unfortunately. I’m thinking that it will improve in the coming weeks though.
Matt, Eric and I went up to the Tetons to do a little climbing. The plan was the Black Ice Couloir but we got some beta that the snow conditions getting to it sucked so we changed plans even before leaving SLC. The plan changed to just day trip stuff.
Because I don’t have a bunch of time, suffice it to say that we did a lot of walking around and no climbing. The only time we roped up was to cross a slide avalanche path on the way up to Symmetry Spire. Weather took us off that objective and the other two days attempting Teewinot and the Snaz, didn’t happen because we didn’t get up early enough. Lesson learned I guess.